
You'll find all the information you need to know about 2Devoted here!


My names Krystal Mourningstar and let me be your guide to 2Devotion! I myself have been in a 2D relationship exclusively for the past 25+ years.I coined the term 2Devoted after a talk in my private server about how no label truly fits me.In the beginning there was no precise term that described someone like me. I would just call myself a self insert writer/creator. Even though the bond I had with these beings was SO MUCH more than that.Then I learned about fictosexual and it was once a label I cherished, but then it slowly morphed into something that means "I just think this character is hot and I want to fuck him/her" and a lot of people had meatspace boyfriends/girlfriends too, and would ship their FOs with other characters, both were EXTREMELY unacceptable to me; once again I was an outcast in a group of outcasts.I thought about what term would suit me more, I know labels don't matter but at the time, I really wanted to meet others like myself. Soulbonding felt more accurate but there was no exclusive term for people exclusively devoted to fictional characters. Soulbonding was more of an umbrella term.I wanted something more exclusive to people like me, people who are ONLY into 2D beings.I was often told how devoted I was, and something sparked inside me : Devotion. So a friend and I coined the term ficto-devoted. It was perfect but a bit too long, but we decided to keep what we had.Then as I was learning more about the astral and whatnot, around 2019-ish. I learned about the term 2 - dimensional, and something sparked inside me. 2D Devoted. Which then turned into 2Devoted! Its perfect! I finally found a term that had no spectrum and fits my magical experiences. I call my FOs "Forever Ones"It is crucial to remember that this definition and 2Devotion is for ROMANTIC 2D relationships only


What is 2Devoted?Definition:Someone who is exclusively attracted to 2D/fictional characters from books/movies/video games/cartoons/live action in a VERY serious way, and is spiritually dedicated to them like a nun or priest would to a God; and does not have a meatspace partner in any way, shape or form.I made this word up for my own use as it’s the closest “label” I have to my experience and it’s not interchangeable.What is a 2D being?2D being is an entity that exists in the two dimensional, basically a cartoon/toon/"fictional character"It is important to note that "live action characters" such as Spock from Star Trek also count! He is a sentient being in his own right (the 2D being, NOT the actor!)But some can also be entities like dieties, and dream realm beings (or as most people call them "Original Characters/Creations"). OCs very much count as 2D beings as well!Can I have more than one bf/gf/FO?Yes! But you must be dedicated to them, you cannot just point at the next genshin impact boy/anime waifu and be like OH YES HE/SHE IS MINE NOW REEEEEEEEEE. 2Devotion goes beyond that. Are you going to celebrate anniversaries? Will you remember all their likes, dislikes, and needs? Will you stay with them forever? (no longer feeling the spark is fine/ growing out of a relationship is fine too, but to drop them like candy for the next hot guy/girl is entirely unacceptable)Can I have a real life boyfriend/girlfriend alongside an FO?Nope. End of discussion. 2Devotion is a REAL relationship, not something you do for fun.Can I date/marry my own OC/Dream Realm Entity?Yes you may! Please do so, I highly encourage it. But if you do, please write his or her information in a google doc, journal, etc.What is a Dream Realm Entity?A dream realm entity is a 2D being/spirit/diety/what have you that you meet in a dream or comes to you. They can be any species, anyone or anything. Most people call them OCs but in 2Devtion all 2D beings are essentially real here and in the astral plane. They can be called astral entities too, but I prefer dream realm.What about poly/shipping/etc?Glad you asked! Shipping itself isn't wrong perse if you just want to have fun with fiction however, other Devoteds might think you are a stealther (more on this later). Shipping two characters together while dating them both is VERY unacceptable.Its okay to be, for example, 2Devoted to both Superman and Batman, and they are both into you. But if you ship them together, that's where you reach into shipper territory which is highly frowned upon. 2D beings are not toys. If this upsets you then 2Devotion might not be for you.How do I astral project?
There's no direct guide really, I have been able to do it since I was 5 before I knew what it was! All the Loony Tunes characters celebrated my birthday <3. I recommend researching old school books about it and mastering Lucid Dreaming first.
But remember: You do not need to be able to astral project for your FO to love youHow can I show my devotion/love to my Forever One?Easy! Dedicate playlists to them, draw and write about him/her. Contrary to what others might think you DO NOT need to own every bit of merch of them, I myself dont even have merch for a lot of my FOs~ Its important to remember that 2devotion is about love not competition.More information + TerminologyBridge - someone who likes fictional characters a lot but also wants a meatspace boyfriend/girlfriend someday (does not count as a subeset of 2Devoted, this was coined by my friend Regi!) so if you want a meatspace partner this is what you use.Mirror - An FO that really makes you do inner work and shadow work, they reflect your ugliest parts back at you but it's necessary for growth. These can be some of the best relationships you will have.